Happy Birthday Ayakashi Ghost Guild! In celebration of AGG 1st Birthday, they will give away:
1) 1x free daily special summon ticket from 19 May - 26 May. My advice for getting a 5 ☆ daemon is to keep the special summon tickets as many as you can (usually I kept 5) and then use them all at the same time. You will have higher chances of getting a 4-5☆ daemon!
2) 3x chance of summoning 5☆ for rare summon ticket from 21 May to 5 June.
3) Big fusion success from 19 May - 5 June.
Thank you Ayakashi Ghost Guild!!
Shrine of seven days
After the first Shrine event, AGG Zynga has decided to lower the Tallisman for Biwa, JiangShi and Han-Kon-Ko (or maybe more..)
1) Biwa Hoishi: 800x Tallisman (before 1500x Tallisman)
2) JiangShi: 400x Tallisman (before 750x Tallisman)

3) Han-Kon-Ko: 200x Tallisman (Before 400x Tallisman)
Thanks to my instagram buddy Rin Suzume for writing to AGG Zynga about the Tallisman issue, She is a genuine and very helpful person.. just go follow her on her instagram @rinsuzume =)
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, all the Ayakashi:Ghost Guild pictures in this blog belong to the game developer - Zynga. Please support them and download their games.
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