Wednesday 3 May 2023

The Tale of Food: Longjing Shrimp review



Personally, I think Longjing Shrimp is one of the top tier aoe damage food souls with SS rating for attack and A rating for both critical rate and critical dmg. All his 3 skills are very useful in both PVE and PVP, the first skill has a chance to reduce enemies' defense,  the second skill is an aoe attack that disables healing, and the third skill is an aoe attack that penetrates debuffed enemies' defense. Just pair him with a consistent debuffer (such as poison, anti-heal, etc), and he will create AOE piercing atk up to 60% def break similar to those defense break/ heavy atk buff teams.  



Skill Ascend:

Ascend 1 : Skill 3- Moonlit tea - Pierce DEF +15%

Ascend 2:  Skill 1- Fan Waving- Trigger Rate +15%

Ascend 3: Skill 2- Tasting Fresh Tea- Trigger Rate +10% (anti- healing)

Ascend 4:  Skill 3- Moonlit Tea- Pierce DEF +15%

Ascend 5: Skill 1- Fan Waving- Skill DMG +15%

Ascend 6:  Skill 2- Tasting Fresh Tea- Trigger Rate +15% (anti- healing)

Ascend 7: Skill 3- Moonlit Tea- Reduces the skill cooldown by 1 round.


Star up materials: Hazelnut & Almonds

There are 3 common Longjing team setups according to China server:

Team1: Healer (Har-gow) + any Aoe debuffer (Yangzhou rice) + Longjing + any single target. 
This team 1 is a very practical for farming resources at the grove of harvest, apex of phantom and gangster  rabbits, New players can get a free SSR healer candied ginkgo nut by completing the cultured clan ( need to be at least lvl 30 to unlock the prawn farm at the second last scroll), also a free SR Yangzhou rice using gift code FOOD333.

Team 2:  Healer + 3 aoe attacker including Longjing. 
This is a high-speed team for running exploration maps and farming event rewards.

Team 3: Buff Crit (Lamb) +  Aoe debuffer (Yipin pot) + Longjing + Single target (Eight immortals or suckling pig roast)
Lamb buffs team crit , defence, and giving heals and shield occasionally, Yipin pot Aoe attacks with poison and skill reset debuff, Longjing Aoe attacks with anti-healing and piercing defence up to 60%, Eight  immortals or suckling pig high single damage scaling with enemy’s HP.  This is by far my favourite team setup, one of the best setup for fighting high HP bosses or tanky/healers team in PVP.


Longjing shards from Food Soul Search: 

Here is the first post for the tale of food, I hope this post is helpful to you if you planning to get  in the current Spring Nimbus panel (until 9th May 2023). Personally, I'm using Longjing alot in PVP and farming resources.

Please continue to follow my blog, I will be posting more contents and hopefully some video gameplay in the following weeks. Cheerio!  


Disclaimer: The tale of food contents is subject to any changes over time with updates, the china server might be different from other servers (Asia/ Global), so it is important to note that the content is based on my own opinions and experiences with the game, therefore should not be taken as absolute truth or an objective measure of the game's content. I hope that the contents will be a helpful reference for you in your gaming experience. Have fun!